I am a Colorado born and raised professional photographer with 10 years of experience. I specialize in all things surrounding love, to include weddings. I want to build solid relationships with my clients so that I can follow them from their first couple’s session all the way to the day they are a family and everything in between.
Who are your clients?
My clients are laid back, full of laughter kinda people! I love random bursts of laughter and joy, that makes me love my job even more than I already do. I like to play with my clients from the first shot of the session to the last. I feel like capturing the connection between clients is the reason people want a session to begin with regardless of whether it’s your wedding day or a family session and I do my very best to bring that out in each and every client.

When and Why did you start your business?
I started my business in 2011 after shooting on the side for 7 years. I had stopped shooting clients for a few years moving around as military wife and I couldn’t stand it anymore! I revamped and literally jumped in with both feet! In the last two years of my business I have been focusing on weddings as they bring me so much joy and inspiration. I have always loved capturing real moments and don’t think there is any other job in the world I would rather do. It really is true that if you love what you do, you’ll never work a day in your life.
What or who inspires you?
Sometimes I meet a couple that is just so in love you can feel it dripping off of them! They inspire me to bring out the best in each new or returning client. Sometimes they are couples and sometimes it’s a family. I cannot get enough of this feeling when meeting people, it literally is my driving force.
Do you have any advice for newly engaged couples?
Enjoy your wedding planning! It can get so stressful and so many things can go wrong, that often I hear that they can’t wait until it’s over. You will get this time in your life only once, and you should slow down and enjoy the moments as they come.
What is one of your guilty pleasures?
My biggest guilty pleasure… has got to be anything coated in sugar! I’m in need of one of those shirts that say “I do it for the cake” because let’s be honest… I do!
What is one thing newly engaged couples should know about your service?
I don’t want to photograph your wedding, I want to photograph and document your life. I really mean it when I say I strive to make connections and form relationships with my clients. Some of my best friends started as clients and trusted me to continue capturing their lives, these are my most treasured images in my portfolio because they are now like family.
What is your favorite part about a wedding?
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